[Danish] Siteimprove Session: Getting started with Accessibility and Ai Remediate
Ready to enhance your Siteimprove experience? Join our virtual session to set accessibility goals, measure performance, and use Ai Remediate for faster code generation.
This session will help Siteimprove users with tips on how to leverage the Accessibility module with our latest best practices.
On September 24th 10am CET, connect with your local Customer Success Executives for an exclusive virtual session tailored for users in the Danish market. We’ll dive into the Siteimprove platform, focusing on what matters most to you.
In this interactive experience, we’ll cover how to:
- Set accessibility goals for your domains
- Measure and benchmark your a11y performance
- Delegate top tasks to roles and teams
- Leverage Ai Remediate to generate accessible code quicker
Hosted on Microsoft Teams, this interactive session will offer opportunities for asking questions and sharing strategies you can start using immediately.
Register now and don’t miss out on this chance to engage with Siteimprove experts, network with peers, and discover actionable insights.