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Data insights that empower your team

Siteimprove Analytics gives you powerful insights into visitor behavior and website performance with intuitive dashboards and easy-to-use reporting, so you can make data-driven decisions to consistently deliver business results across teams.

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Connect metrics to your goals and business results

While visits and page views are nice to report on, they don’t necessarily prove that your website supports your organization’s goals. Define the Key Metrics that matter most for your goals and easily keep track of how your marketing Campaigns are performing against your targets.


Understand visitors to create an optimal user experience

View your website through your visitors’ eyes, using visualized data in Behavior Maps to see how they navigate each page. Track User Journeys to create logical paths to the most important destinations on your site. With Funnels, you can learn where you’re losing visitors and why, so you can work towards more intuitive user journeys that drive conversions.


Get real-time visitor insights and feedback

With real-time analysis and visualization in Live Analytics, you can see visitor behavior as it happens to catch emerging trends and explore user journeys. On-page surveys in Feedback enables you to directly ask users about their experience and gather ideas for improvement.

Ready to do even more with your data?

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Key features

You know better than anyone which reports will help you to stay on track for achieving your goals. With Key Metrics, you define what to measure, so reporting is always connected to your specific goals.

  • Define your own key metrics and KPIs
  • Find out at a glance whether or not you’re on track
  • Tie website performance to overall goals and prove ROI

Lay out the ideal path for visitors to follow to conversion, then track their behavior to learn where they might go astray. Find out exactly which pages cause them to lose interest and fine-tune your site to lead them to the right destination.

  • Track the entire conversion process on your site
  • Remove roadblocks to conversion
  • Identify your most valuable visitors and which paths they take

Piles of data can be overwhelming to interpret and even harder to explain to others. Based on click coordinates and scrolling patterns, Behavior Maps provide tangible representations of the actions visitors take on your website.

  • Visually track how visitors interact with your website
  • Implement data-driven design
  • Target distinct visitor groups based on behavior trends

Looking for a smarter way to build UTM links, manage campaigns, and monitor their performance? Compared to traditional solutions that solely track data, Siteimprove Analytics helps you plan, organize, and analyze all your initiatives from beginning to end.

With Campaigns you can easily:

  • Learn what drives traffic and conversion
  • Stay on top of campaign plans and performance
  • Avoid messy spreadsheets and reporting errors

The best way to learn about user experience on your site is from the users themselves. Use on-page surveys to learn about navigation challenges, gather ideas for improvement, and enhance visitor experiences with insights directly from the source.

  • Easily analyze comments and survey responses with intuitive, visual displays of data
  • Gather fresh ideas and perspectives from users without interrupting their experience
  • Start surveying right away with turnkey set up

What if you could see users entering your site in real-time and get insights into where they're coming from, which traffic source brought them there, and what pages they're visiting right now? Siteimprove Live Analytics is your foot in the door of real-time marketing and makes Analytics approachable to everyone in your team:

  • Gain real-time visitor snapshots and insights into emerging trends
  • Focus on the high-level results and drill down into specific areas if necessary
  • Keep all vital information on one screen and share them via dashboards or office screens

When content and design work together seamlessly, big things happen. Get a better understanding of how your visitors navigate from point A to point B, allowing you to make data-driven decisions on the layout of your site.

  • Optimize site structure based on how visitors navigate between key pages
  • Root content and design in data to create logical paths to crucial pages
  • Verify that visitors navigate your site as you intend

What Analytics features are available in each solution?

Unlike many web analytics tools, Siteimprove Analytics is a tool for everyone. Whether you’re looking for a simple program with our Content Analytics offering (available in our Content Experience package) or a wider scope with our full Marketing Analytics capabilities, you can feel confident making data-driven decisions for your business with our strong visualizations and an easy-to-use interface.

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Features Content Analytics Marketing Analytics
Key Metrics
Content Analytics
Behavior Maps
Live Analytics
User Journeys
Behavior Tracking

Ready to welcome all of the world to your website?

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